Conflict Resolution
Have you ever felt stuck in a conflict that felt like a nightmare?
Maybe you have given up hope that you and your ex would ever be able to co-parent together without accumulating legal bills or calling each other names at your kid’s hockey game.
Maybe a fight with a co-worker has gone on for so long that you think the only solution might be to change jobs.
To move beyond conflict, we must recognize that without struggle there can be no progress.
We must realize that nothing stays the same forever, even when it feels like it might.
Feelings are like anything else—they change.
And everyone has the right to Evolve.
Resistance comes about, because we fail to recognize this in others.
But sometimes a conflict can feel like something more than just a disagreement.
It can feel like we have allowed someone to capture and hijack our emotional currency.
This is why conflicts leave us frustrated and exhausted.
A conflict is a situation in which one or both parties perceive a threat, regardless of whether or not the threat is real.
Conflicts continue to fester when ignored.
And because conflicts involve perceived threats to our well-being and survival, they stay with us until we face and resolve them.
What you resist, will always persist.
We respond to conflicts based on our perceptions of the situation, not with an objective review of the facts.
Our perceptions are influenced by our life experiences, values and beliefs.
This is what makes us all inherently biased against our own problems and relationships.
Conflicts trigger strong emotions.
So if you are uncomfortable with your emotions or unable to remain measured in a moment of adversity, any countermeasure which you engage, will not allow for successful resolution.
Still, conflicts are an opportunity for growth. When you are able to resolve a conflict in a relationship for example—it builds trust.
Now, you can feel secure in knowing that your relationship can survive challenges and disagreements.
At Legacy, we support and equip you with the following strategies:
An enhanced ability to manage stress quickly while remaining calm and focused…
An enhanced ability to recognize how to manage your emotions and behavior…
and an ability to strengthen your emotional intelligence by learning how to recognize the origin of emotions expressed by others.
This happens when patience affords you an ability to remain open towards receiving an experience that was felt by someone else.
Screams will turn into whispers as you quietly become stronger by learning how to remain measured in your responses during the challenging and defining moments of your life.
This is because you realize that the true nature of the conflict never had anything to do with “right—or wrong”.
Instead, it has to do with a perception of inequality that exists, because both parties’ experiences do not feel valued by the other.
You must not yield energy to conflicts that are undeserving of your time and spirit.
That, will not serve your greater good.
Instead, take your moment to find your Greatness—in the flow of appreciating yourself.