
Children & Families

Love is simple.

Love is much easier than what most of us think.

Love is organic, a natural process.

It requires little energy. Only patience.

You don’t have to work hard at love.

And we can prove it to you.

Take children for example...

Just think about it. You don’t work hard to love your children.

Most of us here at Legacy are parents.

As parents we understand how emotionally charged we can be about our children’s health and well being.

We teach our kids to take responsibility for the place that they hold in this world. This can be difficult because even as parents we struggle with doing this.

We can tell our children for hours, days and years just how much we love them—and it will be impossible for them to understand.

It’s impossible because as many of us can relate—the day that we realized how much our parents love us, was the day that we had a child.

And for many of us, that is when everything changed.

So how are you supposed to explain to someone how much you love your children?

Exactly. You can’t.


So when your child comes to you with a problem…or when you notice that they need support for something—even if you did not initially believe that they needed support, it is important to stand with them. It can be terrifying as a child to discuss things that are troublesome. Our kids are dealing with so much in today’s times, and we have all seen stories of families and children that did not have the required support during defining moments in their life.

Legacy was created with families like yours in mind— an empowering environment with clinicians who specialize in working with parents and children. If the family is not supported as a unit, your child’s journey becomes increasingly difficult.

This, is important to us.

You are not responsible for the reasons your child seeks therapy. It isn’t “anything that you did” to create this needed level of support in their lives.

It is your responsibility however, to introduce them to something better than even hope itself—and that, is the power of their voice.

So be grateful and inspired that you have found an opportunity to inspire your child towards their greatness.

Decades of research has shown us that the healthiest and happiest children learn to express themselves in a variety of ways.

Teaching your children how to express their emotions is the greatest gift that you will ever give your child.

At Legacy, you can feel pride in helping them find their truth—and stillness with their feelings.

The truth that we speak of is in the way that you teach them to love themselves. And at Legacy, we explain that this should be a truth belonging to support, belief, and love.

With Legacy you will find a compassionate and restorative environment with committed clinicians who will provide the support that you and your family deserve.